Symptoms You Likely Have Early Stage Gum DiseaseGum disease is preventable and recognizable. It is important to be able to detect the symptoms of early gum disease. Gingivitis is the earliest form of gum disease. Unfortunately, we commonly see patients with gingivitis who do not understand that they are on a path of gum disease. By recognizing the early symptoms of gum disease, you can be proactive in the treatment process.

The Four Stages of Gum Disease

The first stage of gum disease is called gingivitis. In this stage the gums are inflamed. This is often a result of poor oral hygiene. If it is bad habits persist, gingivitis advances into the tissues that connect the teeth to the bone. Bone loss is not uncommon in the second stage of gum disease. The third stage of gum disease is marked by continued bone loss, even up to 50 percent loss. The fourth stage of gum disease is when the tooth begins to shift around due to bone loss and inflammation. The adult tooth can be loose and the gums can be swollen and uncomfortable.

Early Symptoms of Gum Disease

Gingivitis is the name for an early stage of gum disease. If plaque is not removed, and it builds up at the gum line, it can inflame the gums. If your gums feel irritated or appear red, these could be early signs of gingivitis. If your gums bleed when you floss or brush, you may be at the beginning stages of gum disease.

Give us a Call

If gingivitis is not treated it can develop into further stages of gum disease and may result in tooth loss. Give our office a call if you suspect you have symptoms of gum disease. We will help you to stop gum disease before you experience more problems.

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