Teeth grinding, also referred to as bruxism, is a condition in which you involuntary clench or grind your teeth while asleep or awake. Doctors have not established the leading causes of this condition but link the condition to various genetic or physical factors. Some leading causes of the disease include high-stress levels, certain medications, a hyperactive state, or age (young children are more susceptible to the condition).
Some of the symptoms of tooth grinding include:
Painful Jaw
Tooth grinding puts too much stress on your teeth and jaw. The continuous strain will cause your jaw to develop pain and aches over time. The condition also causes various damage to your teeth and affects your jaw.
Broken Teeth
Tooth grinding will weaken your teeth and cause cracked or broken teeth. Putting too much pressure on your teeth will interfere with the structural integrity of the teeth.
Disturbed Sleep
Teeth grinding can be loud enough to disturb your sleep and that of your partner. The condition can disrupt your sleep cycle. People who grind their teeth will also be susceptible to sleep disorders such as sleep apnea or snoring. Snoring occurs as the grinding of teeth causes various changes to the jaw position during sleep. It can also lead to your tongue is placed at the back of the mouth, which can obstruct the airway and lead to snoring.
Headaches and Earache
Clenching your teeth affects your jaw and some parts of your skull. It can lead to pain in your ears and tension headaches. It can also lead to stiffness in your shoulders and facial pain.
You can opt for a dental exam if you have problems with clenching your teeth. The dentists can check for the extent of the condition and note any crooked or broken teeth. The dentists will perform tests such as X-rays to detect any underlying problems.